The same well-respected publication that outed our Dear Orrin so unceremoniously in May of 2009 as the Prospect Park Pepper Spray Vigilante, is now apparently a source for more of Orrin's Fuzzy Math and blatant falsehoods.
You see, The New York Post, that bastion of fine News Corp journalism, published this story incorrectly stating that 2010 dog bite numbers were a record. None of the sort! Not even close. A prime example of never to believe everything you read (especially if it comes from a Murdoch publication).
In fact, even one of Dear Orrin's cohorts, the failed anti-offleash Jihadist, Robb Jett (the self-proclaimed "Prospect Park Advocate") posted on his now discontinued anti-offleash blog that in 1998, Health Dept reported NYC dog bites were 6,568. The NYC Health Department published that the dog bite stats from 2005 were 3,956.
For anyone who has the fundamental basics of simple 2nd grade math mastered, 2010's NYC Health Department bite stats reported by the Post at 3,609, are hundreds of bites less than the 2005 stats and thousands of bites less than the 1998 stats.
So where do Orrin and the Post get off claiming NYC dog bites are at "record number?"
It's a complete untruth.
It's a complete untruth.
Dear Orrin again destroys any shred of credibility he might hope to portray. Of course, Datniodes (AKA, Kim E., Pit Bull Owner from her failed jihad during 2006-2007), and who lately is counting the number of White people in "her" neighborhood as Dear Orrin counts the number of "Mexicans" and "Blacks" in Prospect Park) has commented in full force as Orrin's amen peanut gallery. She bathes in Orrin's dirty bathwater.
Orrin and his few sycophants are ridiculously lying. The NYPost was entirely wrong as well.
Dog bites increased by 23 for the entire city since last year. They are down 9% since 2005 (over 360 fewer bites). And they are down 45% since 1998.
Orrin dislikes facts. He is a total coward. He won't post anything that factually refutes his lies.
In the light of the truth, he's no man. He can slither back under his rock.
Wow, you still fighting with Orrin??
But the question needs to be asked. How many dog attacks on people would have been prevented if the dog was leashed?
Mr. Smith,
First of all, "dog attacks" is an inaccurate description of most dog bites.
Most bites are in the home and involve the family members of dogs (rough housing, etc.)
The last statistics on bites showed that only 2% of the dog bites took place in parks. And it's not known (or at least reported)whether the bites took place on leash or off-leash.
Dog ownership in NYC is increasing yet bites have dropped 9% since 2005 and have been statistically level for the last five years.
In NYC, the number of bites 2010 was significantly below the national average of dogs bites per 100,000 residents.
Almost 1 1/2 million dogs in NYC and fewer than 100 bites in parks (on and off leash), even you must admit that 100/(8,400,000 + 45,000,000 visitors + hundreds of millions of commuters) is de minimis.
I am not dismissing the bites that did occur, but conflating bites with off-leash (as Orrin does constantly) is an attempt to intentionally mislead and not ignorance (after all, he is supposed to be a prominent attorney if the NY Post article that exposed him and net searches are to be believed).
Notice how he used that incredibly misleading and inaccurate NY Post piece to further his agenda.
Now he foolishly takes the statement that "more than 40 million Americans take an interest in observing birds" to mean that there are actually 40 million active bird watchers in the country. Come on, 1 in 8 is an active bird watcher? No way.
All caring people enjoy "observing birds." They are magnificent creatures and a vital part of the ecosystem.
And since you obviously read and contribute to Orrin's site, why not ask him why he was so silent when FIDO protested vociferously about the culling of the park geese? All he had to offer was his typical snark. Some bird lover. More like bird brained.
As a dog owner, I applaud your efforts to get the irresponsible minority of dog owners to comply with pooper scooper laws. They hurt all of us.
But please do not drink Orrin's fetid Kool Aid. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Distortion of the facts is socially criminal.
You and Orrin can fight over numbers all day long.
But how many dogs that attacked people were on a leash? (I am sticking to the work attack.)
I am in the park a lot, I do not want to be part of the 2%. Maybe dog bits in NYC have drooped in the past 5 years because there has been some enforcement of the leash law.
I don't go in the park during off leash hours (I actually call it wild dog time) because a "good dog" might want to play with me.
I consider a dog jumping on me an attack. How am I supposed to know if it wants me to rub its belly or if it thinks I am a threat.
Dog owners are given their time to do their thing. I just wish they WOULD ALL realized that there are many people who do not want to share the park with off leash dogs.
Mr. Smith
I concur on some of what you wrote. Dog owners violating off-leash times should be fined. The off-leash times are there so the parks can be shared by all.
If you prefer to remain out of the park during off-leash times, fine. But you should feel comfortable going to the park from 9 am - 9 pm.
That is not Orrin's argument. He opposes off-leash entirely and falsifies his "facts" for his own convenience.
He stalks dog owners (including women on their own) and harasses them in the process.
As to the 2% of dog bites that took place in parks, again, there is no indication whether they took place on or off-leash.
I do not want to be hit by a bicyclist, though hundreds (perhaps thousands) are yearly in NYC.
I do not want to be subject to the litter left by picnickers, but I have no choice.
I do not want BBQers tossing hot coals randomly (and dangerously) but it happens.
And, as you are a parent, let me say that I consider it an "attack" (on my senses and right of enjoyment) when some child screams in a restaurant, movies, store, etc. But so be it- kids are kids.
So this is not a statistical fight. Living in a densely packed city requires accommodation by all.
Just last week I heard the show on WABC Talk Radio. The station is right wing talk. The host actually wants dogs off-leash all the time everywhere (including subways, stores, etc) because 'government is restricting our rights' too much. They even had a rep from New York City Dog on there who defended leash laws and disagreed with the host.
Off-leash is a reasonable accommodation for the owners of the 1.5 million dogs in NYC.
Your buddy Orrin is a modern day King Canute ordering the tide to turn back, so don't stand with him or you, too, will get soaked.
So learn to live with legal off-leash, and I, a Park Slope dog owner will stand with you in demanding enforcement of the rules. I also want dog owners to pick-up after their dogs. The vast majority do but all it takes are a few to ruin our neighborhoods.
Please, a child making noise is not the same as a dog jumping on you.
Annoying. yes. Rude probably.
But not a tripping hazard. Not going to ruin you cloths. Not going to cause an allergic reaction.
A dog approaching someone is not an assault; perhaps an unwanted intrusion, but not an assault.
While I agree that no dog should bother anyone with unwanted attention, I still disagree with your extreme definition. That's your choice, however, and does not change the substance of the original post that once again exposes Orrin as an insignificant annoyance- a pimple on the ass of the world.
And do remember that those without children pay much of the cost of a child's education, etc. It is a shared cost of society.
Sharing parks with multiple user groups is a similar shared cost.
How do I know what an approaching unlashed (out of control dong is gonna do? To me it is just a problem waiting to happen.
At best it is going to keep going, but all to often it will put it wet nose on my clean clothing or jump on me because it confused me with someone who wants to rub its belly.
There might be 1.5 milling dog owners in NYC, but I don't think thy all support or use of leash places.
Please stop comparing your need to let your dog run loose in a public park to parenthood. It is like comparing apples to rocks.
PS.. Mr. Smith, why nut tell your buddy Orrin to open his site to comments without monitoring? I've read several comments here that reveal his censorship. He's like Fox News- he distorts and derides.
Then again, no one but poor Christina, you, and that fish-lady read his site. He's a fart in a windstorm. Must hurt him to be insignificant.
I am not gonna get in to a fight with statistics. Anybody can twist their own numbers to prove their point.
What ground do you want me to give. I don't have to like dogs. I don't have to agree with you. I don't want you to agree with me. I am just having fun with this.
I can avoid areas where dogs are let loose. I am fine when I know all I have to do is stay 6 feet away form a dog owner and not have to worry about that dog.
If there is only a "miniscule number of dog owners who do not pick-up" WHY IS THERE SHIT ON EVERY STREET IN PARK SLOPE?
I will not ruminate on the concept that parents should pay for the cost of educating their child.
Typical right wing answer. When facts refute your contentions, simply say that the facts don't exist. Hence the dumbing down of America.
The right wing in Congress disputes all facts then make-up their own. When 95% of scientists produce evidence of climate change, bring out a two-bit meteorologist on Fox News and then scream that scientists are divided.
Bites statistics are real. The evidence is real. Your ignoring the evidence does not change the truth. It just makes you a modern member of the Know Nothing Party.
I have repeatedly joined you in complaining about the few who do not pick up. I also rage against those who litter, tag with graffiti, and damage public property.
A better question is why doesn't Orrin join you in complaining about shit (then again, that might be incestuous on his part)?
So let's agree that you will avoid Prospect Park when I am there with my dog off leash (most days of the week). And I won't complain when you have your kids off leash... and good luck with their shit for the rest of your life. :-)
Of course you facts are correct. I am not saying they don't exist. I just don't care. And believe me I could drum up better facts that both you and Orrin. After taking photos of poop, manipulating data is my hobby.
Between you me and Orrin we have three nuts. He is obsessed with off leash dogs, I am obsessed with dog poop and you are obsessed with Orrin. So stop telling me what to tell Orrin to do.
I am talking about how I feel. To me an off leash dog is just a nuisance. Something that is gonna jump on me or leave a crap in my path. Just because I feel that way does not mean you have to feel that way about children.
So, I must ask you. Do you really hate children that much, to compare them to animals. You were a child, you might actually have real children. Or are you just acting that way to make me angry. Because I really don't care.
I do not hate children at all. Than again, I do not like them enough to compare them to animals.
Sorry, Mr. Smith, as Sen. Moynihan once said, "you're entitled to your own opinion but not to your own facts."
Well, at least you admit that you do not care for dogs. So be it. Life goes on.
As to being obsessed with Orrin. Not really. It's just fun. When I pass him in the park I just snicker recalling his exposure by the NY Post.
Time heals all wounds and wounds old heels.
What about the park masturbators (yes, that's supposed to be plural)? There are at least two that have publicly please themselves in Prospect Park in the morning, only when women (and sometimes children) are nearby.
Despite the repeated pleas of several of us who have had far too many close encounters (turn around and realize he's 10 feet from you), nothing has really been done because if you actually get a cop near them, they just cover up and deny it (cops tell us they must catch them in action). I can't understand why they can find money for undercover officers to bust a few folks for having dogs off-leash after hours but not have an undercover officers to bust these guys.
Even when it was below 30 degrees out, one of them was there on the Longmeadow sidewalk, west side of the park, at a bench near the 3rd St entrance. It's not like they are hiding.
As as for the kids vs dogs, I've had plenty of filth deposited on me by a loose child and even had hair pulled out, never with an apology from a parent in Brooklyn. There assholes everywhere, and sometimes they have kids or dogs or bikes and the rest of us get to experience their selfishness through those things.
And if you want the cops to write more tickets for off-leash dogs, can't they start with more offensive and dangerous things, like cars parked in bike lanes, public masterbators, people dealing drugs in the park, cars constantly speeding and running the lights in the park,...
Are you all the same anonymous person. I have lost track. Whatever.
How can you compare the filth left on our streets by pet owners to fact that a child pulled you hair and the parent did not offer an apology. yes it sounds like you had an encounter with the parent that likes to make fun of. Most parents and most pet owners respect the space of those who need it.
Anyway, you should not be near loose children.
But I see the consistent antisocial behavior of the dog owners of Poop sloop.
and about the guy jerking it. Where is he? I will knock him down and keep running.
Mr. Smith, the last anonymous post is not part of our back/forth.
Obviously another reader shares some of my opinions.
So now we know that there at least 1,500,001 dog people in NYC.
If only %10 of you don't clean that is A hundred and fifty thousand poops a day left on the sidewalks of NYC.
And now we know you can multiple 1,501,000 x 0.10
Whoopie.. you could be the Republican Education Chairman
Dear Winston:
You support dog owners' with your stats. Since there's relatively little poo compared with the amount of dogs in the City, dog owners are doing a great job cleaning up. It's a small percentage, obviously, that are not complying with the law.
BTW, who's picking up all that bird poo? The statues in the park are a mess!
Did I give you the impression that I am a Republican or are you trying to insult me by calling me one?
well, being called a Republican is an insult...
you deride stats and then arbitrarily made one up (10% of 1.5 million dogs).. that was my point
clearly the number is nowhere near 10%.
You and I agree about irresponsible dog owners, but please do not pollute the discussion with made-up numbers.. and, yes, that is what the Republicans do constantly
they probably have kids too :-) (kidding)
My stats are made up and I am being generous.
There is not a sidewalk in Park Slope that is not littered with Dog Shit.
One has to assume that every fence and lamp post is coated in dog pee.
I don't have to climb over statues to get from point A to point B. It is not the same thing.
I actually think the number of people who leave their dogs mess on the sidewalk is closer to half and I am sure you think it is closer to O.
We will never know.
Well, I obviously know it's not zero since I have complained about irresponsible owners.
Your guesstimate of 50% is so off as to be Orrinilian (as in Orwellian). Studies have shown NYC to be among the cleanest cities in the US with regard to dogs.
And 750,000 dogs 2x a day, 365 would leave the city looking like a kid's room; destroyed. You're so wrong.
But, like all Republicans, you make up shit as suits your delusions.
OK, forget about the number of dog owners who don't pick it up. I think it is too much and you think what you think.
I think most residential neighborhood sidewalks are destroyed as are most kids rooms. But my kid's room is in my home, you do not have to pass through it.
and please stop calling me a Republican. It really hurts. I am not calling you a "cat lady".
Mr. Smith, it's fun to call you a Republican. It's supposed to hurt because you actually do sometimes come across as a very thinking person and you do care about our neighborhood. That's why I do it- a poke to get you to consider different possibilities. But I will stop as I know the R-word is cruel.
I am trying to get my block to create an association and part of that would be to buy two poop bag dispenses to be mounted at the ends of the block. We would refill them.
A positive approach works better than negative. As a parent you appreciate that. But, sometimes you must be strict. And in that regard, if my fellow dog owners disobey even when poop bags are easily available, then nail them with fines- big ones!
That is my criticism of Orrin. He should be working with Fido to educate dog owners (and all park users) about the importance of respecting birds and other wildlife. Fido does this, but the birder community should help.
You work to clean-up our local streets. I work with fellow dog owners on related issues. And Orrin is a birder. Collectively, we should be working together for the betterment of Brooklyn instead of fighting one another while the idiots ignore us.
It does not take a block association. On Union between 4th and 5th has been a little cleaner since 2 people put a box of bags on their fences.
In my unscientific and admittedly subjective opinion, the block has been a little cleaner lately.
thanks for heads up.. will walk over there
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