Thursday, July 17, 2008

Orrin's Grand Signage Conspiracy

Another day, another delusion for our Dear Orrin.

Today's beaut: Orrin believes that the new tasteful signage that have been displayed in Prospect Park alerting dog owners where dogs are not ever permitted off-leash are way too small.

Not only that, our Dear Orrin believes that there's a Grand Sign Conspiracy to hang inadequate signage!

Yes, you see in Orrin's World, even through there are signs at entrances to the wood trails, and even through Dear Orrin managed to see the signs just fine, only he can see them. No one else has seen these signs. So it must be a Sign Conspiracy, probably emanating at the highest level. Perhaps even Bloomberg is behind this Grand Conspiracy.

And, as usual, Orrin is the only one who sees clearly.

Up the dosage, Orrin baby!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Orrin Makes Fun of Dog's Tragic Death; More Examples of Facts Processed Through Orrin's Ideology

Our Dear Orrin writes today about the tragic death of a dog killed by a NYC street sweeper.

What a leashed dog on a City street tragically killed by an automated street sweeper has to do with Off-leash Hours Policy in NYC Parks is beyond any rational person's thought process. But as we all know by now our ideologically driven Dear Orrin is completely nonsensical and illogical when it comes to dogs and Off-leash Hours policy.

But instead of Orrin's usual shameful and vile racism against African Americans, in his latest post, Orrin makes fun of this dog's tragic death by calling it a "Clean Sweep." Another vile and repugnant low for our hero. Orrin, don't you know that G-d hates a coward?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Dr." Orrin's Expert Opinion on Off-leash and "Humanization"/ More Orrin Racism

In Orrin's World, every new piece of information he takes in through his five senses gets processed through a an odd ideological processor in his brain that this new piece of information somehow "proves" his hatred and personal jihad against Off-leash Hours Policy in NYC Parks.

The latest case in point: Orrin extrapolates from a NYT article he read that somehow Off-leash Recreation is part of the recent increase of spending on pets in America and on a "humanization" of animals that the article states has been a trend in the United States.

Orrin questions whether dogs are "happier" when they are off-leash.

Orrin says: "Shades of the humanization that leads to the conclusion that dogs are “happier” off-leash."

Gee, Orrin. Do you think birds would be "happier" in cages, or on leashes all the time than they would be free to walk or fly around. Are leashes or restraints on animals their natural state?

Is it "humanizing" to ask if a dog, or any other animal would be be happier on a leash all the time? Would you be happier on a leash all the time? (No need to answer that, we don't care about your practices behind closed doors).

Anyone with two working eyes (even one would do) and half a functioning logical brain observing dogs off-leash running, playing, frolicking, exploring, tumbling, chasing, playing, recognizes that this activity is good for them and makes them more content (yes, happy), less aggressive, less territorial, and better to cope with the stresses of living in an urban environment. Virtually all animal behaviorist, doctors of veterinary medicine agree that dogs need exercise--especially younger dogs. Anyone who has ever seen a dog deprived of adequate exercise, especially in a critical puppy to young adult phase will often notice that these dogs are often poorly adapted to life with people, and with others of their own species.

Even the stuffy old American Kennel Club supports the Off-leash Hours Policy in New York City Parks, because its clear to all who know and work with dogs that this policy works and is beneficial for all people who live in New York City. For those curious to see the AKC's official endorsement of Off-leash Hours policy, you can read it here. But of course, Orrin knows dogs much better than those lightweights at the AKC.

Our Dear Orrin goes even further and now has to:

"And it points out another pernicious aspect of this policy: these vast sums aren’t being spent by poor people. So as much as off-leash policy exists to benefit white folks because they are more desirable park patrons than black folks, it exists to benefit the haves because they are more desirable than the have-nots."

Pernicious indeed! The only thing pernicious, Dear Orrin, is your conscious and unconscious racism against African Americans in particular. Dear Orrin, African American people own dogs, they love their dogs, they care for their dogs, take their dogs to the vet, spend money on their dogs, and many, as responsible dog owners, take the time and effort to exercise their dogs and socialize their dogs so they do well in an urban environment with other dogs and humans. This frequently involves taking them for play time to burn off energy and to socialize at enclose dog parks, and, since there are only 44 enclose dog parks for over 1 million dogs in NYC, using the 88 designated Off-leash Areas in NYC parks for Off-leash Hour recreation.

Your racism is pernicious and despicable. Keep trying to fit that round peg into the square hole Orrin baby!

Dear Orrin missed his life's calling. He should have been a Party apparatchik in the old Soviet Union. One of those people who would propagandize that there's been a record harvest, when half the population is starving to death. You see, Orrin is gripped with his hatred of Off-leash policy and its benefits for all New Yorkers, that you could tell him that Good Humor has a new flavor of ice cream, and he would somehow link it to "pernicious" Off-leash Hour policy.

Oh, Dear Orrin, any hope you've had to make a case for racism and the Off-leash Hours policy in NYC Parks has been completely discredited by your insanity and pathetic racism. But surely you're going to keep trying to jam that round peg in the square hole.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Orrin Taking It Back to Where It All Began

Juniper Valley Park. Home to a lovely neighborhood of solid citizens, many of whom are dog owners and who for years have enjoyed off-leash recreation in the park.

As astute observers of recent off-leash history are aware, it was in this neighborhood that the seeds for codification of Off-leash Hours Policy were (inadvertently) planted by a small local civic group who rejected an enclosed dog park in Juniper Valley Park, and rejected the designated Off-leash Hours area of Juniper Valley Park that residents had used before 9am for six years. Instead, this civic chose to instigate a costly and failed lawsuit against the City. More information can be found here.

Dear Orrin has chosen videos from Juniper Valley Park Off-leash Hours for his delusion du jour.

And, as usual, our hero's irrational worldview takes hold to interpret such lovely videos of citizens enjoying off-leash recreation legally, respectfully, and properly in the park as something sinister and improper.

Let's analyse today's delusion one by one:

Orrin Says: The vigorous exercise in which most of the dogs are engaged (not).

Gee Orrin, maybe in your world, dogs running and playing with each other is not exercise or socialization. However, must rational people would say otherwise.

Orrin Says: Dog owners standing around chatting and drinking coffee. All fine and dandy, but why do they deserve their own area, paid for by the taxpayers?

What would you have dog owners do, Orrin, jumping jacks or playing soccer (or perhaps bird watching) when they are responsibly watching their charges and socializing with their neighbors (heaven forbid). You don't like to socialize with your neighbors much, but not everyone needs to be a curmudgeon.

And perhaps all of those people in the videos are tax cheats, but probably not. Therefore, they are all taxpayers. In the park 7/365 enjoying a designated area that other times of the day is multi-use.

Perhaps Orrin might ask why certain people in Juniper Valley Park have locked ballfields that are single use areas all the time, or why there's a dedicated bocce court, basketball courts, and ice skating rinks. Perhaps only the ice skaters pay all their taxes.

Orrin Says: The large dogs in the background of one of the videos running around under no discernible control of their owners (not that the small dogs seem to be under the owners’ control).

How do you define discernible control, Dear Orrin? The dogs are running in the designated area, and are under the watchful eye of their owner. Your irrational attempts at throwing mud on the wall just further discredit you.

Orrin Says: Every person in these videos is white.

Speaking of discrediting yourself on a daily basis. Here we go again with Orrin's racial theories (which most non-racists would consider racism).

Since Orrin's so interested in racial statistics, perhaps this map of New York City would be instructive to him:

According to this map, published by CUNY, the racial composition of Middle Village and Juniper Valley Park is from 1-10% "Black". The neighboring nabes are also the same racial composition. But in Orrin's racial worldview he expects to find a cornucopia of African Americans in Juniper Valley Park? It's clearly to "support" his whackadoodle racial theories and Bogus Cynical Racial Ploy that he's building in his desperate attempt to attack the codified Off-leash Hours Health Department and Parks Department regulations. Nice try Orrin baby!

Perhaps Orrin should ask his friends in Middle Village why there are so few African American residents in the immediate and surrounding areas? That would be an interesting conversation.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Orrin's Delusion Du Jour

In his July 7th screed, Dear Orrin finds two news article about a 14-year old girl who was mugged in Prospect Park on June 24th. The two news articles he cites have nothing at all to do with dogs or off-leash recreation whatsoever.

Yet our deluded hero, in his vain attempts to throw as much mud up against the wall to see if anything will stick, attempts to criticize the crime victim by questioning why she had an off-leash dog in near where the crime was reported.

There's only a few slight problems with Orrin's latest delusion:

(1) Both news reports make no mention whatsoever that the girl had a dog. Only that the mugging took place near "Doggie Beach." Orrin just made this factoid up whole cloth. But why let that stop him?

(2) After making a false assumption that the girl had a dog with her because her mugging took place near Dog Beach, Orrin goes on to make another false assumption, claiming that this young girl MUST have had her imaginary dog off-leash because the mugging took place before 9pm.

Yet another ASSumption that's completely wrong. People use Dog Beach, Dear Orrin, between 9am-9pm with their dogs onleash to enjoy the beach.

Aren't you supposed to be an attorney? You're either a very poor reader, or as we believe, you're one of these ideologues who filters their entire reality through a distorted worldview--in this case, your maniacal hatred and obsession with all things dogs and off-leash in Prospect Park.
Dear Orrin, re-read your sources, or up your Ginkgo biloba dosage. You're reading comprehension is slipping.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Orrin's Cynical Bogus Racist Ploy

The one person "Committee for Responsible Dog Ownership" (aka Orrin) is an off-leash rejectionist, still licking his wounds from the historic Off-leash Hours legal, health, and parks policy decisions in 2006-2007. Thwarted and frustrated at every turn, our 'hero' is left with plotting a disingenuous racist ploy in an attempt to cower the city agencies and courts that handed him and his micro-ilk (the good folks who labored to destroy the Off-leash Hours policy in NYC parks) a solid defeat.

Orrin thinks to himself: "Now that the NYS Supreme Court has said that Off-leash Hours policy is and always has been legal, and now that the 13-member NYC Board of Health unanimously supported codification of Off-leash Hours policy, and now that the Parks Department held hearings, received an avalanche of public support for the 20+ year successful policy, and amended its regulations to specifically codify the policy...rejectionists can no longer rationally claim that the policy is illegal, or bad for public health, or not Parks policy" (even though our hero still tries to regurgitate all the old failed 'arguments' against Off-leash Hours policy during the attempts to kill the policy and which, to his chagrin, only made it stronger).

Much like the Grinch, in his cave, seething against all these hundreds of park patrons who come out to Prospect Park before 9am, and the thousands in the 87 other NYC parks 7/365, and having had his "arguments" heard and then rejected by every possible authority, Orrin stews.

So what's a Off-leash Hours Policy rejectionist to do?

But wait!!!! Eureka! He'll plot a bogus cynical racial angle!

Yes!!!, thinks our deluded hero, "I know that the various City departments are very squeamish towards anything that can be construed as racial discrimination. THAT's how I'll get them, my pretties! And their little dogs too! Yes, it's bogus, yes, it's cynical, but it just might work!"

So we have Orrin posting such hardcore racist choice nuggets as these from his vile blog:

(1) "the DOPR has reserved immense chunks of parkland, 365 days a year, until 9 A.M. just for a bunch of white people to socialize."

(2) "black people seem to be uncomfortable around dogs—we’ve posted a video documenting this"

Yes, folks, this is Brooklyn in 2008, in case after stumbling upon Orrin's racist screeds you thought it's Mississippi in 1956.

Our hero is so desperate, he's walking around Prospect Park using his expert eye trying to identify and quantify who is "Black", who is "Mexican" and who is "Caucasian."

Our hero discredits himself with each new blog post.

However, Orrin's racism is inexcusible. All should be aware of his cynical bogus racist ploy and his attempts to gain attention now that every other argument the rejectionists have used against off-leash hour policy have been shut down by the vast majority of public opinion, and every legal, public health and Parks authority. Orrin tries to fight the same battle over and over, but even our irrational racist schemer realizes that he needs SOMETHING new to get attention. And he's settled on the racial angle.

One of his vile blog posts has our hero casting doubt that the numerous people of color he sees on an Off-Leash Hours Website could actually be dog owners! In Orrin's World, African American people just don't like dogs, and he's got a video to prove it! (You can't make this stuff up.)

Yes, Orrin, African American folks have dogs, and many of your fellow citizens of color use and enjoy the Off-leash Hours. If you'd bother to come out and meet your neighbors whom you despise so much, enjoying the park responsibly every day of the week, you'd see that folks who enjoy Off-leash Hours policy in Prospect and in the 87 other parks from around the City, transcend race, gender, national origin, economic circumstance, age, and ability/disability. Perhaps you'd even learn that several members of your local off-leash group boards of directors just happen to be African American. Imagine that!

But don't let any inconvenient truths get in the way or your bogus cynical racist diatribes, Orrin.

Shame on you, if you have any shame.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Orrin's Racism on Display (Again)

Those who follow the lunatic fringe offleash rejectionists found Orrin's recent posting a new low in his blatant racism, gross assumptions, and general lack of information and understanding about the policy and the people he so despises.

Here we deconstruct Dear Orrin's postings. Orrin's delusions in black, our commentary in blue.

On June 6 we reported that Commissioner Benepe was supposed to speak the following day at some off-leash gathering at Prospect Park. It turns out that the gathering was a celebration of the first anniversary of the off-leash rules (if we were Palestinian, we’d call it the nakba). We don’t know if the Commissioner showed up, but one of his deputies, a gentleman named Kevin E. Jeffrey did.

So much of Orrin's blaterings are grossly inaccurate, it's almost trivial to point out that our hero continuously spells Assistant Commissioner Jeffrey's name as Jeffries.

The pictures are here. (Go ahead: read the rest of the website and the links from it. We’ve addressed some of their nonsensical contentions and we’ll be addressing what they say in future posts.) First, observe the pictures of the gathering and compare them with the other pictures on the website. It is striking that (1) Assistant Commissioner Jeffrey and the head of PEP, Mike Dockett, are black;

Goodness Gracious! Imagine that, Orrin, high ranking Parks Department officials that happen to be African American and in strong support of the Off-leash Policy. In Orrin's world, "Black" people don't like or use the Off-leash policy. Therefore, in Orrin's comprehensive conspiracy theory, these officials must be forced into it by forces pulling strings behind the scenes.

(2) of the several black people in the picture of the gathering, only one appears to even possibly be a dog owner,

This would be too funny if it wasn't so racist and pathetic. Orrin's rage and delusions so blind him that he just can't believe that "Black" people could possibly be at an off-leash event, or even own dogs. News flash Orrin, check out the dog leash draped around on one of the photo's dog owner, and check out the Chuck It ball thrower in the hand of the other, not to mention that of the young boy that accompanies him. Oh, and your delusion that the others just happen to be there are some sort of prop is vile in the extreme. Shame on you, if you have any shame.

and (3) in all of the other many pictures on the website, the only black face is that of Mike Dockett.

"Black face". Wow, Orrin, did you mean you thought you saw Al Jolson? Disgraceful.

Were Benepe, by sending Jeffrey, and the photographer, by seemingly finding what were perhaps the only black faces on the Long Meadow, trying to counter what we’ve been saying?

OMG, you flatter yourself Dear Orrin. You're challenged to come to any off-leash hours event, sponsored by any of the multiple off-leash park patron organizations and see the diversity of dog owners--different races, genders, orientations, economic groups, ability/disability.

Incidentally, we seem to have picked up some readers who while not pro-leash at least have an open mind. Does our pointing out things like this make us racist? It depends on what you mean. Is someone who observes the relative number of blacks and whites stopped by police on the highway; notes that the percentage of blacks stopped is much higher than that of whites; and suggests that the disparity is deliberate, a racist? That’s just what we’re doing.

ROTFLMAO. Sure, that's just what you're doing Orrin. Your pathetic cynical attempts to play a bogus race card just discredits your cause even more. A few days ago the NYT published an article stating that people who hold a strong world view on an issue willfully ignore overwhelming evidence that contradicts their ideology. I suggest you read that article, Dear Orrin, then perhaps you'll realize your vile racial profiling of "Blacks" and "Mexicans", not to mention "Caucasians" give everyone the impression that you're either a screwball or a hard core racist. You also may stop overlooking the many benefits of off-leash recreation that's overwhelmingly favored by your fellow New Yorkers, and by experts in law, health, and parks.

We are documenting that the overwhelming majority of dog owners who let their dogs run unleashed are white; that a majority of park users, at least in Prospect Park, are non-white people; and suggesting that this disparity may be part of a plan to bring more white people and fewer black people into the parks.

You seem to have pronoun trouble, Dear Orrin. You keep saying "We" when everyone knows that the "Committee for Responsible Dog Ownership" is a committee of one--and that would be You. Again with the willful misrepresentation. Shameful. And again with the grand conspiracy theories. Yes, those dog owners are so powerful. They control the world's finances. So in addition to your racism, you're also deceitful and paranoid.

If this makes us racist, so be it.

So you looked in the mirror.

Also, look at the third picture down, showing a bunch of dog owners flanked by two smiling, uniformed PEP officers and a sign, “NYCDOG”. By now, there should be no question that statements on NYCDOG's website that "the solution [to owners' letting their dogs off-leash illegally] is to stiffen enforcement of the rules", that "Off-leash dog owner groups . . .try to self-police Off-leash Hours" and that the "various groups that comprise the Off-leash movement are strongly in favor of stiffer fines . . . and strong enforcement of the laws" is pious blather:

That's it!!!! Pious blather! Brilliant!!! How come everyone else can't see this obvious Grand Conspiracy, just "The Committee"? Is everyone else insane, and Orrin's the only one who sees the truth? It must be!

to take just one small sample, we've observed a majority of dog owners who use the Peninsula Meadow dog run letting their dogs run loose before they get to the Peninsula, after they leave it, or both. And we pointed out that one owner who was letting his dog wander--and harass passers-by--along Wellhouse Road looked like the president of FIDO. And no PEP agents are ever there to stop them. If there’s any better proof than this photograph that PEP is in league with the people they’re supposed to be regulating and has no intention of enforcing what’s left of the leash law in the City’s parks, we don’t what it could be.

More evidence of a Grand Conspiracy!!! It couldn't possibly be that user groups such as NYCdog, FIDO, and many others have worked very hard with the Parks Department to make the Off-leash policy work in the 88 parks where it now is permitted. It couldn't be that Off-leash advocacy groups constantly press the cash strapped Parks Department to step up enforcement so that any irresponsible dog owners will not ruin the policy for the vast majority of responsible dog owners that obey the rules. Asst. Commissioner Kevin Jeffrey's official speech at the 1st year anniversary of Off-leash codification couldn't possibly be real mutual appreciation of the job volunteer off-leash advocates do to make sure the policy continues to work No, it must be a Grand Conspiracy!! And at the highest level!!!! String pulling!!! Perhaps the Parks Department and the off-leash groups are also part of the oil futures speculation conspiracy resulting in $4.00 gas. Anything is possible!


Like a Japanese soldier still living in a cave a year after the war's end, less than a handful of fringe park users are still fighting the Parks and Health Departments' codification of the Off-leash Hours policy.

This blog is established as a point-by-point refutation of their tired cynical ploys to mislead the public through their willful misrepresentations, racist claims, and outright lies.

Feel free to participate!