Dear Orrin was outed today and his shameful mug shot plastered on the front page of that bastion of fine journalism, the Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post.
And what a mug shot it is! Looks like the New York Post photographer shot our hero's good side. He looks like John Wayne (actually more like Shmendrick Ishkabibble). I'm sure his family is proud.
Of course, we're happy to finally see the "man" behind the myth, and to see Dear Orrin confirmed as the president of the so-called "Committee for Responsible Dog Ownership". (Orrin, of course, doesn't actually own a dog).
Orrin won't be able to sneak around behind trees as anonymously as he's tried in the past. In fact, whenever he's harassing anyone in the park, it will be easy to identify him for police reports. Our little camera toting vigilante will get a taste of his own medicine.
Shortly we'll be publishing the "Orrin Tilevitz archives"! Yes folks, through intensive research, we've located video of the NY Parks Department hearing over two years ago where Orrin first spoke of his macho fantasy to use pepper spray on dogs and their owners. You'll be able to watch and hear Orrin in his own voice spew his rage and vigilantism. What a sight it is!
- Exhibit A: NY Post article,
- Exhibit B: Orrin's blog,
- Exhibit C: Parks Hearings video,
- Exhibit D: Any future police reports for harassment will add to the growing dossier on Dear Orrin.
Orrin's NY Post outing now forever links our Dear Hero to his misadventures harassing his fellow citizens and encouraging others in his micro-ilk to attack dogs and dog owners in the park with pepper spray. WNBC news also picked up the story. We found this while Googling "Orrin Tilevitz."
At last the public knows what dog owners in Prospect have known for years: not all the nuts grow on trees.
Orrin Tilevitz does not own a dog but in his delusion, he creates and heads the phony Committee (of one) for Responsible Dog Ownership; CREDO.
Now that we dog owners have seen his face, we can start photographing him lurking in the bushes or slithering behind trees.
We can post his photo all over the neighborhood so everyone will know who he is and what he is.
Sex offenders have to register. Maybe it's time for Orrin to have to register.
His days of anonymous attacks against dog owners are over.
Orrin- this is a warning. We know who you are. Threaten anyone with your vile presence and pepper spray and we dog owners will make more 911 calls than you can count. Soon your life will be filled with the evil that you spread.
What goes around comes around.
Knock knock
Who is it?
Evil who?
Orrin EVIL Tilevitz
If you a not doing anything wrong, why are you so outraged.
I've gotten a few photos of this guy while he was filming dogs. It's just weird. I spend a lot of time in the park and while most are friendly, there are a few birders that are the meanest people I encounter in the park.
This reminds me of this Onion image:
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