Friday, September 26, 2008

CREDO Doubles Its Membership!

1 x 2 = 2

With her latest nonsensical screed, Kim E., pit bull owner (of late calling herself Datnioides), joins Dear Orrin in his vile racist assertion that off-leash hours patrons are all a bunch of, to quote Kim E,
ill-mannered rich white people who, like infants, find it difficult to
relinquish their ambulatory teddy bears.
See the comments on this post:

Congratulations to "The Committee on Responsible Dog Ownership" (CREDO), not only have you doubled your membership base, but you now actually have a real live dog owner! A first for "The Committee." And your newest member, with her latest choice comment above, seems to sign on to your Bogus Cynical Racist Ploy. Well done. The force of your arguments is moving mountains.

Perhaps over the next few months, you might be able to get your numbers up to the old "Army of Eight". Old timers may remember the Army of Eight as the unholy alliance of self-proclaimed "Prospect Park Advocates" and the flotsam and jetsam of the off-leash hours rejectionist micro-movement which included Kim E, and the good people over at the second largest civic association in Middle Village who, with their failed NYS supreme court law suit, tried to destroy the Off-leash Hours policy, but only ended up strengthening it to their everlasting chagrin.


Anonymous said...

Datnioides (Kim E) and I were engaged in a debate on CREDO. It was one of the few times CREDO had the cajones to allow oppositional statements to be posted.

However when I tried to post again on Friday afternoon, CREDO would not post my comments.

Unlike CREDO2, Orrin and his Credo ascribe to the philosophy of censoring rational arguments against his diatribes. Now he extends his cowardly paranoia to protect his sole sycophant.

I challenged Kim’s assertions that a majority of off-leashers are violating the law.

I challenged Orrin/Credo to the same.

The challenge:

• Go into Prospect Park throughout a single day. Use a clicker to count the number of dogs off-leash during permitted times.
• During the period 9 am – 9 pm, do the same except count the number of dogs on leash and the number off leash.

From a single day, a snapshot of the habits of off-leashers might be possible.

Of course a single day may not be statistically correct. Furthermore, since Orrin and Kim are the sole CREDO members it would be difficult for them to monitor all of Prospect Park throughout a day. Regardless it would be a start in trying to fully understand dog owner compliance numbers.

Of course Orrin could not allow this post. It would require a response from him. How could he possibly challenge this?

Consequently Orrin will continue to use ad hominem arguments against the fact-based studies and research compiled by off-leashers. Fortunately the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers have already learned to ignore Orrin. And I continue to check his CREDO side just to be aware of the evil that lurks so near.

(“Kim, whatever you do, don’t drink Orrin’s Kool-Aid!”),

Anonymous said...

Ha... Orrin just posted my long post to him after all. But not until I'd send him two comments chiding him for his failure to post it.

And, he solicited a reply from Kim E / Datniodes prior to my post. Of couse since she "drank the Kool Aid" this is not surprising.

Actually, Kim's post is rather well written and thoughtful. I concur with much that she has written.

Of course, her intolerance of those with different relationships with her dogs supports her decision to not socialize her dog.

I find it personally repulsive when people dress their dogs like dolls. But if these dogs are loved and cared for, I can simply walk away without worry. Far greater abuse to dogs is done everyday by ignorant, criminal people.

Similarly, I abhor people who dote incessantly over their children and who can talk about nothing else. My solution? Instead of chastising them, I avoid them. This was my advice to Kim and Orrin: simply avoid the off-leash dogs during legal times.

Orrin, you ran from my challenge to you, but my own (non-scientific) observations in Prospect Park are that dog owners overwhelming comply with the off-leash rules and times. Once again, I contend that your posts about individual violators are gnats on the back of an elephant.

By the way Kim, I know your dog and know you. But do not fear, I won't real your full name and address like Orrin did to Marcia (albeit she deserved it). Anyone who [screen]names herself after a species of fish has enough problems already. And since you canoodle with Orrin, G-d help you!