Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Orrin's New Cynical Bogus Rabies Ploy; More Intentional Misinformation (aka lies) from Orrin

Longtime readers will recall that our Dear Orrin has had his treasured goal of eradicating the successful 20+ Year NYC Off-leash Hours Policy thwarted at every level:
  • Legal - A NYS Supreme Court case to eradicate the policy was defeated in 2006
  • Court of Public Opinion - Survey after survey has shown the vast majority of NYC residents approve of the Off-leash Hours policy.
  • Public Health - In December 2006 the NYC Health Board unanimously amended the "Leash Law" to specifically permit the Parks Commissioner to promulgate the Off-leash Hours Policy.
  • Parks Policy - In 2007, after public hearings where the vast majority of public comment was in favor, the NYC Parks Department codified the Off-leash Hours policy.
"Drat," thought Dear Orrin, scientists, epidemiologists, public policy professionals, the vast majority of the public all have looked at the 20+ years of experience with the successful Off-leash Hours Policy, and have not just approved it as is, decided to codify it into both Health Department and Parks Department regulations. "Double Drat", thought our Dear Orrin.

Then Orrin decided that he'd be Going Rogue. He realized that judges, public health professionals, and the general public are a difficult thing to go up against. So he'd have to concoct some sneaky, underhanded, bogus claims to try and poke holes in these unanimous decisions.

That's when Orrin came up with his Cynical Bogus Racist Ploy. But of course that failed miserably as well for our Dear Orrin. The only thing it was successful at was convincing rational non-racist people that Dear Orrin needs his meds adjusted, or that Orrin harbors some bizarre racist theories about people and animals.

"Triple drat!", thought our Dear Orrin. "What to do, what to do?"

Then Orrin's previous assertions that park goers need to protect themselves against the blood that runs in our City parks every day from dogs and their owners by carrying pepper spray. This bizarre assertion won our Dear Orrin front page attention from the NY Post for his 15 minutes of infamy! He was dubbed the "Pepper Spray Vigilante" and a photo of his gorgeous mug outed our dear hero.

"Quadruple drat!", thought our Dear Orrin. "I'm getting my message out there; getting lots of publicity, but everyone thinks I'm a wackjob. Am I the only one in this City of millions that sees things clearly?"

Fortunately Dear Orrin isn't alone in this great big City with his hateful ideas to destroy the Off-leash Hours Policy. Orrin's tripled membership in his so-called "Committee for Responsible Dog Ownership" (of course Orrin doesn't actually own a dog). Now there are three members, and one actually owns a dog! Another guy calls himself "ChickenUnderwear". It's nice to see that Orrin has some odd new friends who share some of his interests.

But still no traction in the court of public opinion for Orrin. In fact, more and more parks have instituted designated Off-leash Hours areas. "Quintuple drat!" stews our Hero.

Now comes Orrin with a new cynical ploy to scare someone into taking him seriously: Rabies! We'll dub it his Cynical Bogus Rabies Ploy, so as not to confuse it with Orrin's previous unsuccessful Cynical Bogus Racist Ploy.

Of course, Dear Orrin must have missed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control declared over two years ago that canine rabies has been eradicated from the United States. But Orrin hasn't let pesky facts get in his way before, so why start now?

Orrin has an interesting way of interpreting statistics. Department of Health stats show that rabies has been in most of the five boroughs for many years now, primarily in raccoons. There hasn't been a recorded case of canine rabies for over 40 years! And, of course, the successful Off-leash Hours policy has been in effect for over 20 years, now in 89 parks from 9pm-9am every day. That's a major public health success, mostly achieved by responsible dog owners who have vaccinated and continue to vaccinate their dogs against rabies.

Odd that with rabies in in raccoons in most NYC boroughs for at least a decade, and with canine rabies eradicated in the United States for at least the past two years, Orrin's now horribly concerned that the Offleash Hours policy will now lead to rabies transmission.

Dear Orrin should be worried however, that rabid raccoons in certain parks could curtail his birdwatching activities. It would be a tragedy if Orrin were bitten by a rabid raccoon while traipsing through the woods trying to sight birds. And of course, unlike most dogs who live in NYC whose vets insist they are vaccinated against rabies, virtually no humans are immune to the rabies virus.

If Orrin is correct about rabies, we suggest that Orrin stay out of the parks until the rabid raccoon situation is remedied. It's too dangerous for humans to bird watch with those rabid raccoons out there. We wouldn't want Orrin to become more rabid than he already is.


More fuzzy math for Dear Orrin and one of his three members of the so-called "Committee for Responsible Dog Owners". The claim is that since codification of the Successful 20+ Year Off-leash Hours Policy, City dog bites have gone up. As our previous post has shown, Orrin is again completely wrong in his assertion, and now one of his "Committee" members have picked up on Orrin's misinformation. Poor Dear Orrin, so often, so wrong.

Happy Holidays to all, even Dear Orrin and the wretched refuse from the so-called "Committee for Responsible Dog Ownership".

We'll see you in the park.


Anonymous said...

Question: if a rabid raccoon bites Orrin, does the raccoon require shots?

Anonymous said...

You might not like Orin's message but I think you are missing his point.

If you look at his blog you will see that his issue is with people who violate the off-leash rules and those who do not enforce them

Not the rules themselves.

Anonymous said...

After reading parts of Orrin's blog, I came away feeling sorry for him more than anything else. Clearly this individual has serious mental and social problems and is in dire need of professional psychiatric help. In a perfect world, he'd be safe in a hospital for the hopelessly insane. How sad that he suffers untreated in this difficult world full of dogs and dog lovers.

Orrins Fan Club said...

@Anonymous poster #2:

We're not missing his point. We've been paying special attention to Orrin since he first came on the scene shortly following the anti-offleash jihadists' failed attempt in 2006 to eliminate the off-leash hours in NYC. Orrin and his buddies failed in NYS Supreme Court.

The next step was a battle to change the "Leash Law" to prevent any future law suits to claim that the Policy violated the Health Code. We were successful when the DOH Health Board unanimously (13-0) amended the leash law.

Next came codification of the previously "unofficial" policy that had been around for over 20 years into Parks regulations. Orrin spoke out passionately against the off-leash hours during the public hearings.

You see, one can boil Orrin's spew down to two main points:

1) It's crazy to have the off-leash hours in Parks, because it bothers Orrin, and he doesn't like dogs. So therefore the policy should be eliminated. Orrin tried and tried and tried, and continues to try to eliminate the policy, but has failed and will continue to fail. He's desparately been seeking cunning ways to do this, claiming that the rule is racist (because according to Orrin, black people don't like dogs, and therefore the Policy is keeping black people from the parks. His latest is his Rabies theory.).

2) Orrin is against people violating the rules. We're 100% in agreement with Orrin on this one.

Please read all of Orrin's blog to understand that Dear Orrin is trying anything to get rid of the policy, which is his ultimate goal.

You'll notice that we never criticize Orrin's belief that the rules and laws should be enforced. We're all for that.

But in Orrin's world, the off-leash hours should be eliminated altogether. He's also advocated elimiating large dogs from NYC altogether. He's also compared dogs in parks with Nazi concentration camps. Read his blog--it's the diary of a madman.

Anonymous said...

To poster #2

You may read Orrin's blog, but do you see any opposing comments on it? Of course not. He won't allow them.

You posted freely here and expressed your views. You have not been denigrated or censored.

Try posting opposing views on Orrin's narcissistic blog and you will be stopped. (The miniscule number of opposing comments he allowed to be posted do not disprove the rule.)

Orrin posts incredibly abusive comments about dog owners; often wishing them and their dogs ill. It's all there. Read it.

He stalks people (especially women) in Prospect Park and surreptitiously films them. Talk about perverted.

He counts two supporters; the sometimes wise ChickenUnderwear and the irrational, bile filled Datnioides.

He spent years supporting the Juniper Park Civic Association in their hate based campaign against dog owners throughout the city. When the dog owners in Middle Village asked for a dog run in their large park, this same group opposed it (and still does). A dog park would have eliminated off-leash in Juniper Park. So the only rational conclusion is that Orrin despises dogs and dog owners whether on or off leash, whether in a dog park or off-leash area.

He embodies pettiness and has been relegated to insignificance.

Anonymous said...

Of course Orin's ultimate goal is to repeal off-leash law, HE IS A BIRD WATCHER. Off-leash dogs chase birds away. But the grand majority of his blog is pointing out that the leash law is unenforced when it is supposed to be. This leaves him no opportunity to enjoy his hobby, one that can not co-exist with off-leash dogs.

However (and unfortunately), his frustration has led him down a negative path. Yes his blog is nasty but as other an other commenter said " Orrin spoke out passionately against the off-leash hours during the public hearings."
Dogs are ruining the park for him.

This blog has taken the same low road. Using it's bandwidth to insult. Posting his photo is only an act of intimidation.

The owners of this blog fail to consider the fact that the off leash areas of Prospect Park can only be that. Most other activities can not happen in off-leash areas.

When more than a few dogs are allowed off their leashes most other activities can not happen in that area. Mainly, bird watching, but no organized or unorganized sport can happen in that place. One can not picnic during off leash nor can you even sit quietly (unless you enjoy dogs).

I for one do not enjoy dogs, but I accept that many people do. I do not go in the off-leash area during off leash times.

It is frustrating to see how many people treat all of Prospect Park at any given as an off-leash area. So for some the off-leash policy is not so successful.

- Poster #2

Orrin's Fan Club said...

To anonymous 12/18 (Winston/ChickenUnderwear):

Thanks for your thoughts.

Some comments:

Why do you assume if someone's a bird watcher they MUST be against the off-leash hours policy? Experience and observation show that not to be the case. In fact, just the opposite. Both groups tend to attract animal lovers. And during the epic Off-leash Battle in 2006/2007, attempts were made by Orrin's failed buddy Jett to rally local birdwatchers to their unholy cause. They failed. In fact, bird watcher group members support the off-leash hours. Many members of responsible off-leash groups such as Central Park Paws and FIDO in Prospect Park are also members of the Audobon Society.

You write "dogs are ruining the park for him." Everyone is going to be scared or annoyed about some park consitutency group. I don't like the gay prostitutes in the woods, nor the drug dealers, nor the bikes speeding (I was struck by one), nor do I care the horsesh!t all over the park, or the bad music blasting from the ice skating rink. But the park is a shared space and one must deal with that in a democratic open society.

As long as Orrin, or others, try to toss the baby out with the bathwater, and try to eliminate or curtail the established laws, rules and policy, we'll continue to call out the inconsistencies, nuttiness, and selfishness of those opinions. Orrin's blog is case in point.

Where many do agree with Orrin is that the small fraction of owners who allow their dogs to be off-leash when and where they are not supposed to should be fined. Enforcement should be vigorous.

If Orrin wants to ship dogs out of NYC, like he's advocated on his blog, that's only going to happen in his dreams.

Regarding his photo. Dear Orrin seems to have no compunction about toting around his little video camera and photograph his fellow citizens. Now that Orrin's a public figure and celebrity and his glorious visage captured by the NY Post, we think its fair to know better who this famous public figure is and better understand where he's coming from.

Winston Smith said...

OMG I've been outed. I feel so much better now. What a relief. ahhh.

Yes, I have been all the Anonymous comments. Who else looks at your blog?

and please I am Winston Smith. Mr Underwear teached me how to blog and when he saw what I was doing with it he made me get my own account.

So if you are gonna avoid my argument by questioning my morals/sanity, skip that part. I take pictures of dog shit, so the question of my sanity is already answered. OK.
