Those who follow the lunatic fringe offleash rejectionists found Orrin's recent posting a new low in his blatant racism, gross assumptions, and general lack of information and understanding about the policy and the people he so despises.
Here we deconstruct Dear Orrin's postings. Orrin's delusions in black, our commentary in blue.
On June 6 we reported that Commissioner Benepe was supposed to speak the following day at some off-leash gathering at Prospect Park. It turns out that the gathering was a celebration of the first anniversary of the off-leash rules (if we were Palestinian, we’d call it the nakba). We don’t know if the Commissioner showed up, but one of his deputies, a gentleman named Kevin E. Jeffrey did.
So much of Orrin's blaterings are grossly inaccurate, it's almost trivial to point out that our hero continuously spells Assistant Commissioner Jeffrey's name as Jeffries.
The pictures are here. (Go ahead: read the rest of the website and the links from it. We’ve addressed some of their nonsensical contentions and we’ll be addressing what they say in future posts.) First, observe the pictures of the gathering and compare them with the other pictures on the website. It is striking that (1) Assistant Commissioner Jeffrey and the head of PEP, Mike Dockett, are black;
Goodness Gracious! Imagine that, Orrin, high ranking Parks Department officials that happen to be African American and in strong support of the Off-leash Policy. In Orrin's world, "Black" people don't like or use the Off-leash policy. Therefore, in Orrin's comprehensive conspiracy theory, these officials must be forced into it by forces pulling strings behind the scenes.
(2) of the several black people in the picture of the gathering, only one appears to even possibly be a dog owner,
This would be too funny if it wasn't so racist and pathetic. Orrin's rage and delusions so blind him that he just can't believe that "Black" people could possibly be at an off-leash event, or even own dogs. News flash Orrin, check out the dog leash draped around on one of the photo's dog owner, and check out the Chuck It ball thrower in the hand of the other, not to mention that of the young boy that accompanies him. Oh, and your delusion that the others just happen to be there are some sort of prop is vile in the extreme. Shame on you, if you have any shame.
and (3) in all of the other many pictures on the website, the only black face is that of Mike Dockett.
"Black face". Wow, Orrin, did you mean you thought you saw Al Jolson? Disgraceful.
Were Benepe, by sending Jeffrey, and the photographer, by seemingly finding what were perhaps the only black faces on the Long Meadow, trying to counter what we’ve been saying?
OMG, you flatter yourself Dear Orrin. You're challenged to come to any off-leash hours event, sponsored by any of the multiple off-leash park patron organizations and see the diversity of dog owners--different races, genders, orientations, economic groups, ability/disability.
Incidentally, we seem to have picked up some readers who while not pro-leash at least have an open mind. Does our pointing out things like this make us racist? It depends on what you mean. Is someone who observes the relative number of blacks and whites stopped by police on the highway; notes that the percentage of blacks stopped is much higher than that of whites; and suggests that the disparity is deliberate, a racist? That’s just what we’re doing.
ROTFLMAO. Sure, that's just what you're doing Orrin. Your pathetic cynical attempts to play a bogus race card just discredits your cause even more. A few days ago the NYT published an article stating that people who hold a strong world view on an issue willfully ignore overwhelming evidence that contradicts their ideology. I suggest you read that article, Dear Orrin, then perhaps you'll realize your vile racial profiling of "Blacks" and "Mexicans", not to mention "Caucasians" give everyone the impression that you're either a screwball or a hard core racist. You also may stop overlooking the many benefits of off-leash recreation that's overwhelmingly favored by your fellow New Yorkers, and by experts in law, health, and parks.
We are documenting that the overwhelming majority of dog owners who let their dogs run unleashed are white; that a majority of park users, at least in Prospect Park, are non-white people; and suggesting that this disparity may be part of a plan to bring more white people and fewer black people into the parks.
You seem to have pronoun trouble, Dear Orrin. You keep saying "We" when everyone knows that the "Committee for Responsible Dog Ownership" is a committee of one--and that would be You. Again with the willful misrepresentation. Shameful. And again with the grand conspiracy theories. Yes, those dog owners are so powerful. They control the world's finances. So in addition to your racism, you're also deceitful and paranoid.
If this makes us racist, so be it.
So you looked in the mirror.
Also, look at the third picture down, showing a bunch of dog owners flanked by two smiling, uniformed PEP officers and a sign, “NYCDOG”. By now, there should be no question that statements on NYCDOG's website that "the solution [to owners' letting their dogs off-leash illegally] is to stiffen enforcement of the rules", that "Off-leash dog owner groups . . .try to self-police Off-leash Hours" and that the "various groups that comprise the Off-leash movement are strongly in favor of stiffer fines . . . and strong enforcement of the laws" is pious blather:
That's it!!!! Pious blather! Brilliant!!! How come everyone else can't see this obvious Grand Conspiracy, just "The Committee"? Is everyone else insane, and Orrin's the only one who sees the truth? It must be!
to take just one small sample, we've observed a majority of dog owners who use the Peninsula Meadow dog run letting their dogs run loose before they get to the Peninsula, after they leave it, or both. And we pointed out that one owner who was letting his dog wander--and harass passers-by--along Wellhouse Road looked like the president of FIDO. And no PEP agents are ever there to stop them. If there’s any better proof than this photograph that PEP is in league with the people they’re supposed to be regulating and has no intention of enforcing what’s left of the leash law in the City’s parks, we don’t what it could be.
More evidence of a Grand Conspiracy!!! It couldn't possibly be that user groups such as NYCdog, FIDO, and many others have worked very hard with the Parks Department to make the Off-leash policy work in the 88 parks where it now is permitted. It couldn't be that Off-leash advocacy groups constantly press the cash strapped Parks Department to step up enforcement so that any irresponsible dog owners will not ruin the policy for the vast majority of responsible dog owners that obey the rules. Asst. Commissioner Kevin Jeffrey's official speech at the 1st year anniversary of Off-leash codification couldn't possibly be real mutual appreciation of the job volunteer off-leash advocates do to make sure the policy continues to work No, it must be a Grand Conspiracy!! And at the highest level!!!! String pulling!!! Perhaps the Parks Department and the off-leash groups are also part of the oil futures speculation conspiracy resulting in $4.00 gas. Anything is possible!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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1 comment:
FIDO In Prospect Park does not bend the rules. We are alway handing out rule cards for off-leash hours and areas where it should be allowed. We suport PEP in giving tickets to people who do not obey the off-leash rules. I have talked to some birders who know Orrin and told them that FIDO, just like the Birders, does not want to see dogs romping in the woods off-leash disturbing wild life. They told me they would tell Orrin what I said. So far, no answer from Orrin and this was two months ago.
As for the President of FIDO, and his "brown loose dogs running after people in the WellHpuse Drive" Orrin is very mistaken or a damned liar. This "brown dog" is a very gentle 11 year old sevice dog, who never strays from the peninsula spendin her off-leash time swimming in the lake.
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