Monday, July 7, 2008

Orrin's Delusion Du Jour

In his July 7th screed, Dear Orrin finds two news article about a 14-year old girl who was mugged in Prospect Park on June 24th. The two news articles he cites have nothing at all to do with dogs or off-leash recreation whatsoever.

Yet our deluded hero, in his vain attempts to throw as much mud up against the wall to see if anything will stick, attempts to criticize the crime victim by questioning why she had an off-leash dog in near where the crime was reported.

There's only a few slight problems with Orrin's latest delusion:

(1) Both news reports make no mention whatsoever that the girl had a dog. Only that the mugging took place near "Doggie Beach." Orrin just made this factoid up whole cloth. But why let that stop him?

(2) After making a false assumption that the girl had a dog with her because her mugging took place near Dog Beach, Orrin goes on to make another false assumption, claiming that this young girl MUST have had her imaginary dog off-leash because the mugging took place before 9pm.

Yet another ASSumption that's completely wrong. People use Dog Beach, Dear Orrin, between 9am-9pm with their dogs onleash to enjoy the beach.

Aren't you supposed to be an attorney? You're either a very poor reader, or as we believe, you're one of these ideologues who filters their entire reality through a distorted worldview--in this case, your maniacal hatred and obsession with all things dogs and off-leash in Prospect Park.
Dear Orrin, re-read your sources, or up your Ginkgo biloba dosage. You're reading comprehension is slipping.


noisejoke said...

OFC - thanks for pointing me towards this post. I completely missed it, After reading his bizarre interpretation of the mugging I wrote an incomprehensible response to him, then you, late last night. No more blog responding at 4am!

Thanks for fighting the good fight... and saving me from ever having to even consider commenting at his blog again.

Anonymous said...

After posting on Kensington blog until it got too off-subject and nasty, I found Orrin's blog and then yours.

I prefer this one. Not because I am a dog owner, but because you are logical, not racist, and factual.

I just looked at his YouTube videos of Jupiter Park in Queens. The dog owners were all alert, near their dogs, and bothering no one. Their dogs were having fun. And, clearly, the presence of children proves that these socialized dogs are safe around children.

I do not get Orrin's rantings. He is truly filled with hatred. A shriveled, weasely old man for sure. He would have been happy in Weimar Germany where untruths and anti-Semitism allowed Fascism to rise to power.
(I am not calling him anti-Semitic, btw. He just uses their methods.)