The same well-respected publication that outed our Dear Orrin so unceremoniously in May of 2009 as the Prospect Park Pepper Spray Vigilante, is now apparently a source for more of Orrin's Fuzzy Math and blatant falsehoods.
You see, The New York Post, that bastion of fine News Corp journalism, published this story incorrectly stating that 2010 dog bite numbers were a record. None of the sort! Not even close. A prime example of never to believe everything you read (especially if it comes from a Murdoch publication).
In fact, even one of Dear Orrin's cohorts, the failed anti-offleash Jihadist, Robb Jett (the self-proclaimed "Prospect Park Advocate") posted on his now discontinued anti-offleash blog that in 1998, Health Dept reported NYC dog bites were 6,568. The NYC Health Department published that the dog bite stats from 2005 were 3,956.
For anyone who has the fundamental basics of simple 2nd grade math mastered, 2010's NYC Health Department bite stats reported by the Post at 3,609, are hundreds of bites less than the 2005 stats and thousands of bites less than the 1998 stats.
So where do Orrin and the Post get off claiming NYC dog bites are at "record number?"
It's a complete untruth.
It's a complete untruth.
Dear Orrin again destroys any shred of credibility he might hope to portray. Of course, Datniodes (AKA, Kim E., Pit Bull Owner from her failed jihad during 2006-2007), and who lately is counting the number of White people in "her" neighborhood as Dear Orrin counts the number of "Mexicans" and "Blacks" in Prospect Park) has commented in full force as Orrin's amen peanut gallery. She bathes in Orrin's dirty bathwater.