Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Orrin's New Low

We should have seen this coming. But we thought even Orrin would never discredit himself so much, embarrass himself so much, or be so delusional.

We're talking about Orrin's latest post that compares the NYC Parks Department Off-leash Hours policy to Nazi concentration camps.

That's right kids, Nazi concentration camps. Read the diary of a madman here.

Nothing, of course, needs to be said about this, only that our assertion of CREDO's delusions and Orrin's overall mental state have been confirmed for time immemorial.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I would not have believed your post unless I read CREDO's crapo myself.

To equate off-leash with the camps is an insult to all those who suffered and died in the Holocaust. What a disgrace.

I read the comments from DOPR about off-leash reducing crime and their contention is logical: the more law abiding people who are present in parks during odd hours, the less likely crime will be committed. This would be true with parents in playgrounds, ballplayers on teams, picnickers. It is the presence of people that matters.

Dog owners use the parks at off hours when those other groups are less likely to be present in numbers.

Orrin is an attorney, I think. With his illogical thinking he probably works on Wall Street and is one of the "brains" that got us into our economic mess.

Anonymous said...

Credo is preaching to a choir of one... and one is the loneliest number....