Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Orrin's Maniacal Obsession with FIDO

Orrin's back from vacation, but our hero did not take a vacation from his unnatural rage and obsession against 400+ of his fellow citizens who are paying members of Fellowship in the Interest of Dogs and their Owners (FIDO) of Prospect Park. (There are hundreds of others who do not pay membership but affiliate themselves with FIDOs aims of responsible dog ownership).

Let's take another brief voyage into the delusional mind of our Hero:

Orrin writes,

We took one of our occasional glances at the FIDO website.

We comment:
"We"? Again with the pronoun trouble. "The Committee" is Orrin sitting with his face 2 inches from his screen trying to count the number of "Black" people in photos posted to FIDO's website.

Orrin writes:

"one of our occasional glances at the FIDO website"

HA! Orrin is so obsessed with the good people of FIDO and their organization that he could recite the entire FIDO website backwards in his sleep.

Orrin writes:

Encouragement to take out dog licenses. But nothing about dogs not allowed
off-leash unless they are licensed, which in fact is the law.

Gee Orrin, if you want to get technical, dogs in NYC are ALL supposed to be licensed, whether they are on leash or off leash. Why do you make the distinction and why should FIDO? FIDO actively encourages all dog owners to license their dogs, and in fact, at their monthly Coffee Bark get togethers in the Long Meadow, has for years had dog license applications available on the tables.

Clearly, our Hero is reaching for anything possible to criticize, when there's nothing to criticize. Reminds us of the bizzaro emails floating around the Internet slandering a certain presidential candidate. Orrin likes to take the Rovian approach.

1. Pictures of FIDO’s tenth anniversary celebration. Except for a state senator
who spoke at the celebration, everyone in each of the pictures is white.

Yes, except for that state senator, and except the scores of other African Americans out of the crowd of hundreds there to celebrate FIDO's anniversary. But how could you know that, Dear Orrin, because you weren't even there. So instead, you choose to make up your racist "facts" whole cloth. But why let that stop you?

That aforementioned state senator was there, in fact, Dear Orrin, to praise FIDO and its multicultural welcoming outreach to all communities in Brooklyn. But that doesn't quite fit into your vile racism does it? Dear Orrin's like a reporter for a newspaper who glances at secondary sources and then tries to write a story--WITHOUT EVEN BEING THERE. Of course, our Dear Orrin would never have the cojones to actually come out from behind his tree to actually hear the good Senator praising the organization that Orrin so maniacally hates.

And of course, our Dear Orrin willfully ignores all the other photos on the FIDO site and on other NYC offleash sites that show African Americans, Asians, and people of all abilities, disabilities, ethnic groups and social classes responsibly enjoying legal Off-leash Hours policy. Don't count those "Black" people Orrin, it completely refutes your Cynical Bogus Racist Ploy.

Keep up the racism Orrin, you simply discredit anything you say. Also keep analyzing every pixel on the FIDO website. You might learn something that isn't processed through your scheme to slander your neighbors.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I tried unsuccessfully to post on Credo yesterday. Of course, since I do not agree with them, they did not post it. I think Credo should be renamed CREEPO.

First, Fido does not have any policing authority. It is a neighborhood group centered around the park. What would t(he)y at CREEPO want Fido to do?

Second, HE attacks Fido for promoting responsible dog ownership. They apparently are good, sensible, reasonable dog owners who are doing their best to self-police by promoting good ownership. What more does CREEPO want?

Third, and most important, what the Hell is it with their racist postings? I walked through the Fido anniversary and saw caucasians, African Americans, Asians, Latinos, and many more who defy easy labeling. I could care less what these people look like- it's how they act.

The fact it (and by now it is a fact) that the nasty man who owns CREDO (Creepo to the rest of the world) has a shriveled soul. He labors in the darkness and hides from the light. He would have stoned Moses, noted Jesus's skin color, and banished Mohammed.

We need less of his kind wherever we live. Normally I would say "live and let live" and "to each their own" but it is clear that he would deny others these rights, so he is a danger to a free society.

noisejoke said...

FWIW I must disagree with the name calling and assumptions about CREDO's lifestyle.

We should comment and act upon facts and his/their statements.

Going the snarky route only ads fuel to his fire, cheapens the debate, and most importantly can possibly lead to our cause being dismissed or disdained by those prone to side with him/them.

Anonymous said...


I am not questioning his lifestyle. I am questioning his actions.

Credo's owner -and I do believe it is just one individual- posts racist, insulting, demeaning, and inflamatory commentary without allowing rebuttals despite his supposed willingness to do so.

From his actions, I believe he has a shriveled soul. I used to "Moses, Jesus, Mohammed" analogy because they were leaders of three of the world's major faiths. It seems to me from reading Credo that even they would not be free of his personal insults against dog owners.

His posts are the facts. He even writes that he screams at dog owners in Prospect, Central, and one would suppose, other parks.

Of course, he is free to live his life has he wishes. I would not deny him that. But the old phrase applies, "(his) freedom to throw a punch ends at my nose."

I believe Credo's racism only hurts our society. Not just dog owners. It is similar to the racist rants on anonymous emails about Barack Obama. Whether one supports Mr. Obama or not, protected by the veil of anonymity, those emails are destructive to all of society. They breed hatred because they are sent in hatred. Credo is no better, and perhaps worse on some levels because Credo pretends to be a COMMITTEE of DOG OWNERS working for RESPONSIBILITY.

Some of my friends, including a few (very few) dog owners, oppose off leash rights. We disagree. We converse, share opinions, and try to find common ground where workable compromise might be reached. Credo seeks nothing similar.

When one makes racist comments, the person is a racist.

When one makes hatred filled comments, the person is a shriveled soul.

When one makes unfounded claims and attacks without affording an equal, uncensored right of rebuttal, that person is first a weasel and second a bully.

I suspect I know who Credo is. If I am right (and I have no way of knowing if I am) this person has a heritage that should abhor the very things he is doing. He has the education that should provide enlightened discourse rather than propaganda. And he has the personal resources and time that others lack, so he could make constructive contributions to the community rather than destructive ones. I hope I am wrong about who Credo is because if I am right, my condemnation would have to be much tougher.

But you are right about snarkiness. If I post again, I will be much more specific. Thanks for the heads up.

noisejoke said...

I was more addressing the original blog post.

My feeling is that in these sort of situations and conversations you can't always fight fire with fire. Being "therapeutic and manipulative" is key.

Though I fear Credo and others on the other side may take a look over here I'll state that I think we must set an example rather than give easy ammunition for a continuing schoolyard fight that avoids rationality.

His bizarre racism (masquerading as accusing the Parks Dept of racism) is certainly evidence of SOMETHING. But, I think we need to stay on point, and accept that he might have some tiny bit of influence. We shouldn't get down to his level.

I'm shocked you have friends who are against the Off Leash hours. Have they ever been? What do/would they think of Credo's postings?

Anonymous said...

Good morning Noisejoke... my friends opposed to off leash would not agree with Credo at all. Those with dogs tend to be those with dogs that can never be off leash or they'd run off because their dogs are sight hounds or untrained. So they prefer keeping their dogs on leash.

Those without dogs who oppose off leash just do not like it for different reasons. But they have also come to accept it since it is not all the time.

Good point about Fido. I am new to them but will try my best to promote positive responses to people like Credo.

Anonymous said...

One (of the many) odd things about Orrin is that he hates illegal off-leash dogs and their owners, but saves his special venom and bile spewing for the responsible legal off-leash constitutency--FIDO.

Orrin just hates his fellow citizens for using the park legally and responsibly in ways that he personally doesn't like.

Orrin's little strange bedfellows group of Queens misfits and Bklyn "Park Advocates" had their 15 minutes of fame and lost miserably because their arguments simply don't hold water. Not legally, not from a health perspective, and not from a parks policy perspective.

So all Orrin can do is use the same tired arguments that failed over and over in 2006-2007. He's hoping that someone will listen. Too bad he came to the party too late. It would have been interesting/amusing to see Orrin strut his stuff during the legal and health phases of the off-leash victory.