Careful readers of the so-called "Committee for Responsible Dog Ownership" which is actually not a committee, nor does the founder and single "member"--Orrin--actually have a dog, may have noticed by now that Orrin tends to get a lot of things wrong. And not just partially wrong, but dead wrong.
Part of Orrin's chronic lack of knowledge about what he professes to know all about is due to the fact that he takes wild leaps of assumption and extrapolation from bits and pieces of photos, news items, and websites that he uses as secondary and sometimes even tertiary sources.
It's quite shocking how someone of his education level
consistently gets his facts, assumptions, and conclusions flat wrong. And then when you add his
hard core racism, you have the makings of a real piece of work.
Today's case in point:
Our Dear Orrin, in a recent screed, believes through his careful observation and genius extrapolation of certain "facts" that "as far as he knows" that the
DOPR does not consult Community Boards when making decisions about designated off-leash areas and enclosed dog runs. Oops, Orrin, here's another example of where you're simply totally incorrect.
In fact, Community Boards are frequently consulted.
Here's one of may examples. Consulted is the operative word. Because, Dear Orrin, if you knew your civics, and there are clearly huge gaps in your
knowledge of civics (perhaps you were absent the day they taught it in law school), you'd know that under the City Charter, Community Boards are consultative bodies on items that involve the
DOPR and that the
DOPR always makes the final decisions. Your buddies in Queens must be giving you bad information.
Perhaps some of Orrin's wrongheadedness can be attributed to his paranoia. Many examples of Orrin's paranoia abound (see previous blog posts on this site). When things don't make sense to Dear Orrin through his careful evaluation of secondary and t
ertiary sources, our hero smells--CONSPIRACY!
Orrin has of late turned his
maniacal obsession with the good people at
FIDO, over to his paranoia about
Tupper Thomas. There must be a conspiracy some where there! First our Dear Orrin accuses FIDO of being
Tupper's puppet organization (which should be big news to the scores of people who founded FIDO ten years ago and who recently
celebrated FIDO's ten year anniversary), and the 400+ paying members, and the hundreds more who participate in FIDO events. Now, our Dear Orrin believes that a personal legal matter that affected him last year was personally and continually thwarted by Ms. Thomas.
You see, when things don't go Orrin's way, he immediately lashes his rage and irrationality out on others. Our Hero's not one to live a life well examined.
Oh, and Orrin's
Cynical Bogus Racist Ploy (one of his many paranoid delusions), took another hit as a local State Senator sponsored Diversity Day in conjunction with FIDO. Hundreds of people of all backgrounds attended to celebrate how responsible dog ownership brings all people of Brooklyn
together (except for Orrin as one of the few hold outs). Photos of Diversity Day can be found on the
FIDO site.