Friday, September 26, 2008

CREDO Doubles Its Membership!

1 x 2 = 2

With her latest nonsensical screed, Kim E., pit bull owner (of late calling herself Datnioides), joins Dear Orrin in his vile racist assertion that off-leash hours patrons are all a bunch of, to quote Kim E,
ill-mannered rich white people who, like infants, find it difficult to
relinquish their ambulatory teddy bears.
See the comments on this post:

Congratulations to "The Committee on Responsible Dog Ownership" (CREDO), not only have you doubled your membership base, but you now actually have a real live dog owner! A first for "The Committee." And your newest member, with her latest choice comment above, seems to sign on to your Bogus Cynical Racist Ploy. Well done. The force of your arguments is moving mountains.

Perhaps over the next few months, you might be able to get your numbers up to the old "Army of Eight". Old timers may remember the Army of Eight as the unholy alliance of self-proclaimed "Prospect Park Advocates" and the flotsam and jetsam of the off-leash hours rejectionist micro-movement which included Kim E, and the good people over at the second largest civic association in Middle Village who, with their failed NYS supreme court law suit, tried to destroy the Off-leash Hours policy, but only ended up strengthening it to their everlasting chagrin.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Orrin's Ironic Lack of Irony

Could Orrin actually be reading TimeOut NY online, or more likely his Goggle Alert set to all things off-leash pointed him to an article about a young film maker.

Being Orrin, and predisposed to seeing the world through his unique and bizarre ideological prism, our hero either seems to miss the interviewee's sarcastic comments or, likely, as is he wont, and those of his micro-ilk such as Kim E. pit bull owner, black and blue RJ, and the disgraced civic in Queens, he twists published comments to intentionally misinform.

At least this time, Orrin misinterprets/distorts a primary source. He's usually more for misinterpreting/distorting secondary or tertiary sources.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

CREDO/Orrin’s Latest Paranoid Delusions Exposed

The following post was contributed by a Off-leash Hours supporter and Credo2 reader:

Credo/Orrin once again exposes himself with his latest post:

In his latest diatribe, Dear Orrin conflates an irresponsible dog owner (Marcia) in Prospect Park with a pit bull that broke loose from a chain on Long Island and subsequently was shot after it bit two people. Then he goes further and uses a quote from a newspaper in Dadeville, Alabama (population 3,212) where a loose dog went into a neighbor’s yard and killed a teacup dog.

There is no doubt that Marcia in Prospect is an irresponsible person (not just a dog owner). FIDO Brooklyn has complained about her for years. Parks employees and officials have complained. Unless the police see her violating the rules (walking her dogs off leash in prohibited areas, encouraging her dogs to attack small wildlife in the park, etc.) or threatening people, they are somewhat powerless. No one likes what she does and she is not representative of responsible dog ownership or the off-leash community. She is not a nice person and we hope she is appropriately punished and finally stopped.

The dog attack in Farmingdale, Long Island was unfortunate. Clearly the unknown owners of the dog kept it chained; a cruel practice that some city officials are trying to outlaw. The dog could not have been properly trained or socialized. We regret that people were attacked and are sorry that the dog had to be shot because of its irresponsible ownership.

The Alabama incident has nothing to do with off-leash. No responsible dog owner allows their dog to wander residential neighborhoods off-leash.

However, we have to ask: what does this have to do with off-leash rights in City parks?

But once again dear Orrin finds it necessary to connect the dots. Unlike a children’s drawing, these dots do not connect to form a cogent picture. Illogical connections only produce unintelligible conclusions. He is so obsessed that he searches the Internet for any stories about dog bites, off-leash dogs, etc and then extrapolates these incidents to attack the limited time and place off-leash rights for NYC dog owners in 88 city parks.

We think Orrin would not be happy in any community whether Dadeville, Alabama or Brooklyn, NY. He simply has to find fault and cannot consider the possibility that there is not a conspiracy lurking behind every tree. Paranoia is dangerous. In people suffering from delusions, paranoia grows over time and makes life miserable for them and whoever they encounter.


Orrin goes on to mention that parents allowed their children to wade at Dog Beach in Prospect Park:
“At about 11:15 this morning, four human babies were observed playing in the
water at the dog beach. If in fact the resident rats leave bacteria in the water
that's dangerous to dogs, isn't it dangerous to children also? And if so, why
isn't there a sign? Or is the DOPR now concerned only about dogs?”

Well, Orrin, how about reading your own CREDO posts? Scroll down and look at your photograph of the Dog Beach sign. It clearly says that humans are not allowed in the water. Do you really think any other signs would have stopped these parents from foolishly allowing their children in the water?

But we do agree with Credo about one thing: Parks should post a warning sign about the current danger of leptospirosis infection due to rat urine and feces in the area of Dog Beach.

What Credo/Orrin don’t say this time, is that a few days ago, he was complaining about the Parks Department effort to control the rat population in the park. He said that rats should be allowed to multiply as they provide food for large, hunting birds (red tail hawks, etc.).

We want our avian population protected. If using certain poisons threatens these birds through transmission from captured rats to birds, we advocate the use of safer methods to control the rat population. Yet, unlike Orrin, we do not see some nefarious conspiracy by Parks to rid the parks of birds so dogs can have the entire park.

Give it a break Orrin. Parks is committed to helping wildlife, not killing it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

CREDO: Censorship, Propogandist Lies & More Racism

This post was submitted to this blog by a supporter of Off-leash Hour Policy in NYC Parks:

Once again, CREDO has resorted to censorship, selective editing, and misrepresentation in order to advance his racist rants in a lame effort to discredit the off-leash community.

In his latest post:, Orrin (the lone face behind Credo) attempts to attack off leash by referencing the recent New York Times blog on dog parks and off-leash in New York City.

The Times question and answer blog was authored by Frances R. Sheridan, the writer and photographer of “Unleashed: The Dog Runs of New York City” Over three days, she answered reader’s questions about Dog Parks and off-leash rights.

Here are just a few of Orrin’s latest distortions:
  • First he picks up the question on the Times site by Pashelle whom he claims is his friend Datnioides. If true, readers should know that Pashelle/Datnioides is really “Kim E” a disgruntled dog owner who has failed to train or socialize her dogs so that they can enjoy off-leash.
  • Second, he posts her Times comment and then censors the response from a Prospect Park user identified on the Times as “Orrin.” He deleted the poster’s screen name and refers to an obvious typographical error as an “illiterate” response in a lame effort to denigrate the writer. We do not know who this “Orrin” is but suspect that it is a Prospect Park user familiar with CREDO/Orrin rants so this man or woman used “Orrin” as a way of tweaking CREDO. Or –and we have no way of knowing – this person really is someone named Orrin. After all, it is not so unique as to be exclusive to one person.
  • Third, CREDO/Orrin then posts Ms. Sheridan’s response to Pashelle/Datnioides/KimE. Here is the full response:
Pashelle, I do have a great deal of empathy for those who are nervous around or
afraid of dogs. I am sorry you have had unpleasant experiences in your park. The
rules must be followed regarding the unleashed hours and you should alert the
parks police if you are finding them broken. The few who break the rules should
be fined and not be allowed to ruin an entire program for everyone. The great
majority of dog owners are sensitive to other people and do not want their dogs
to make them uncomfortable. This need not be a black-and-white issue where you
love or hate dogs simply because you want the rights of all park users
respected. “Also, reiterating what Orrin posted, the rules show that there are
specific areas and times for unleashed activity. You are by no means being
forced to endure any interaction with off leash dogs. “I am glad to hear your
dog is properly exercised and happy. It is possible, appropriate and necessary
for some dogs to only be walked while leashed. “I have spent a great deal of
time closely observing dogs, and I can tell you that there is a spark that
shines through when a dog owns its own movements and engages in play on its own
terms. It is a kind of transformative magic. For most dogs unleashed play is
healthy for their bodies through exercise, their minds through strategies and
independent thought, their emotions through their pet friendships, their hearts
through strengthening the bond they have with their person, and their spirits
through what a sense of freedom does for all living beings.”
  • Credo/Orrin refers to Ms. Sheridan’s well thought-out responses as “platitudes” meaning “trite or prosaic.” Whenever he cannot refute the facts, he digresses to personal attacks. Poor Orrin. “The mind is a terrible thing to lose,” Dan Quayle.
  • Finally, Credo quotes another New York Times reader who in response to Ms. Sheridan’s statement “the few who break the rules should be fined and not be allowed to ruin an entire program for everyone” with this comment:
“Yes, they should. But how do you identify them and fine them when both the dog
and the owner run away after breaking a pedestrian’s knee or causing a cyclist
to crash, trashing the bike and breaking a collarbone? You can’t, period. For
you to suggest so is unrealistic at best, possibly hypocritical. It’s “love me,
love my dog,”

Once again, Credo failed to post the response to that by another Times reader named Steve: “

bicyclists and automobiles are faster than dog owners and dogs. Yes, there are
violators and some do run away, but the same might be said about bikers and
drivers. The few should not be used to ruin it for the majority who do abide by
the laws. Neither should those few be used to castigate the majority.”

Of course Credo/Orrin cannot acknowledge the truth in Steve’s comment. After all, it is logical and well reasoned.


Credo/Orrin continues his racist rants with this posted statement:

“And, as we keep pointing out, while it is true that the neighborhoods
around Prospect Park are ethnically diverse, the off-leash community is almost
exclusively white.”

After citing five alleged violations of off-leash rules out of hundreds of thousands of off-leash users in three city parks (two of the most visited urban parks in the nation, by the way), once again, CREDO/Orrin resort to racism.

We know Orrin checks the website since he often refers (and misinterprets) it. Readers, we invite you to check the facts. Last weekend, a NY State Senator yn hosted Diversity Day in Prospect Park with dog owners (later followed by a diversity bike ride event). FIDO has posted several photos of the event.

As any objective reader can easily discern from the photographs, participants were black, white, brown, and yellow. They were old, young. They were handicapped and body able. They were male and female. In short, they were a cross section of New York City in all its glorious diversity.

Off-leashers come from all communities. Socializing their dogs together allows people to get to know one another. Few dog owners (and no responsible dog owners) distinguish by race or ethnicity. It simply is unimportant.

CREDO/Orrin is attempting to use race as a wedge issue to separate people by race for his own purposes. He wants people out of Prospect Park.

Just read his prior post wherein he claims that dogs are responsible for wear and tear on lawns and ballfields utilized by literally millions of Prospect Park users. Somehow –against all facts (just read the comments and his silly responses to the commenter) - he knows that dogs caused the wearing down of the outfields by every baseball diamond. Somehow he knows that dogs caused the damage near a corner where multiple sidewalks converge at odd angles. It must be difficult living as the “all knowing being of all things.”


For those who missed the Times, here are four direct links to questions and answers. Francis Sheridan is a fabulous photographer and writer. You should check out her book while you are at it.





Friday, September 5, 2008

Orrin: So Often, So Wrong

Careful readers of the so-called "Committee for Responsible Dog Ownership" which is actually not a committee, nor does the founder and single "member"--Orrin--actually have a dog, may have noticed by now that Orrin tends to get a lot of things wrong. And not just partially wrong, but dead wrong.

Part of Orrin's chronic lack of knowledge about what he professes to know all about is due to the fact that he takes wild leaps of assumption and extrapolation from bits and pieces of photos, news items, and websites that he uses as secondary and sometimes even tertiary sources.

It's quite shocking how someone of his education level consistently gets his facts, assumptions, and conclusions flat wrong. And then when you add his hard core racism, you have the makings of a real piece of work.

Today's case in point:

Our Dear Orrin, in a recent screed, believes through his careful observation and genius extrapolation of certain "facts" that "as far as he knows" that the DOPR does not consult Community Boards when making decisions about designated off-leash areas and enclosed dog runs. Oops, Orrin, here's another example of where you're simply totally incorrect.

In fact, Community Boards are frequently consulted. Here's one of may examples. Consulted is the operative word. Because, Dear Orrin, if you knew your civics, and there are clearly huge gaps in your knowledge of civics (perhaps you were absent the day they taught it in law school), you'd know that under the City Charter, Community Boards are consultative bodies on items that involve the DOPR and that the DOPR always makes the final decisions. Your buddies in Queens must be giving you bad information.

Perhaps some of Orrin's wrongheadedness can be attributed to his paranoia. Many examples of Orrin's paranoia abound (see previous blog posts on this site). When things don't make sense to Dear Orrin through his careful evaluation of secondary and tertiary sources, our hero smells--CONSPIRACY!

Orrin has of late turned his maniacal obsession with the good people at FIDO, over to his paranoia about Tupper Thomas. There must be a conspiracy some where there! First our Dear Orrin accuses FIDO of being Tupper's puppet organization (which should be big news to the scores of people who founded FIDO ten years ago and who recently celebrated FIDO's ten year anniversary), and the 400+ paying members, and the hundreds more who participate in FIDO events. Now, our Dear Orrin believes that a personal legal matter that affected him last year was personally and continually thwarted by Ms. Thomas.

You see, when things don't go Orrin's way, he immediately lashes his rage and irrationality out on others. Our Hero's not one to live a life well examined.

Oh, and Orrin's Cynical Bogus Racist Ploy (one of his many paranoid delusions), took another hit as a local State Senator sponsored Diversity Day in conjunction with FIDO. Hundreds of people of all backgrounds attended to celebrate how responsible dog ownership brings all people of Brooklyn together (except for Orrin as one of the few hold outs). Photos of Diversity Day can be found on the FIDO site.